About Spanios
Innovating the field of oncology since 2017.
Our Story
A deathbed promise to do more, made to aclose friend dying of a rare cancer in 2017, led us to found Spanios.When our decades of knowledge and experience in the field of common cancers andthe access to the world's largest and most specialized medical center could notprevent our friend from dying, channeled our helplessness into action and makean indelible impact in research through innovations that enable discovery andvalidation of targeted treatment options.
Our root-cause analysis for the lack oftargeted therapeutic options for rare cancers had led us to identify lack ofreliable and efficient model systems as a critical reason holding back the paceand scope of rare cancer research. Our solution to addressing this unmet needwas by building human-on-human, three-dimensional tumoroid model systems withfunctional immunocompetence, and physiologicaloxygenation as valuable tools where none existed.
Cancer survival is measured in five-yeartime periods. Our friend never reached even one of these milestones. However,her battle and our promise continues to live on as Spanios’smission.. to give millions like her a fighting chance through targetedtherapy.

Pioneering innovative solutions to overcome a critical bottleneck in solid tumor cancer research.
The field of solid tumor cancers lacks reliable and efficient human mode systems. Through Spanios' proprietary technology, we have developed cutting-edge human model systems that enable researchers worldwide to identify targeted therapeutic options more efficiently. We have created tools that previously did not exist, filling a big void in cancer research.

Spanios shortens development timelines, accelerating breakthroughs to patients faster with higher success rates.
Our team is committed to alleviating the suffering of millions of cancer patients by fueling groundbreaking discoveries and personalized treatments.